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Paolo Carlucci

Currently employed as: Freelancer

Country: Italy

Field of expertise: Technical assistance for Public Administrations in the EU Program and Project management. Business support for companies and profit and no-profit organizations.




Biography: Paolo Carlucci operates in the field of EU funds, bringing extensive experience in the management and oversight of European programs and projects. His expertise spans various aspects of EU funding, including the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), State Aid, and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

He has played a significant role in multiple initiatives aimed at optimizing the administration of EU funds. He has contributed to the development and implementation of policies and strategies designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of fund allocation and usage across EU member states. His work often involves providing specialized training and support to national and regional authorities to ensure the proper application of EU regulations and guidelines.

In addition to his hands-on experience, Paolo Carlucci is an active participant in various expert groups and advisory panels, where he shares his insights on improving fund management processes. His contributions have been instrumental in shaping the methodologies and best practices currently employed in the field of EU funding.

He guarantee a strong commitment to fostering transparent and accountable management of public funds, ensuring that they effectively support sustainable development and innovation within the European Union.


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Paolo Carlucci