Name (original): Primorski tehnološki park d.o.o.
Name (English): Primorska Technology Park
Address: Mednarodni prehod 6, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici
Country: Slovenia
Field of expertise: Technology expert
About us: Primorska technology park is the Lead partner on the Capacity2Transform project.
Focus: Primorski tehnološki park is dedicated to the development of young companies, providing them with the tools and support they need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Their focus extends to fostering the entrepreneurial skills and ambitions of talented youth through the POPRI platform .
Team Collaboration: Their collaboration with Capacity2Transform underscores their commitment to creating an ecosystem where creativity, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and mentorship converge. Together, we aim to build a vibrant community that drives positive green and digital transition.
Vision and Mission: ♦ Vision: To be a catalyst for innovation, empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. ♦ Mission: Providing comprehensive support, education, and resources to help young businesses flourish.
For further information visit their website!